Perverted Imp's Blog

May 24, 2012

Lifetime of Learning

He’s going away for the long weekend, and may not even be home for an extra day after that. So, I was thinking, what can I do while he’s gone? I’ll be spending some of that time with hubby, but not all of it, he still has his girl and friends to take care of. Sometimes I want to ask him “What can I do for you while you’re away?” but most of my service for him is in person stuff. So figure I should come up with my own things. Then I remembered the GRUE and all those people teaching their passions. And I realized what was odd to me, I didn’t go to the classes, except bootblacking. Was there nothing there that interested me? Nothing I wanted to learn? I don’t even know what all the classes were, so intent was I upon my purpose, so I’m going to say no, it was just I had other things in mind. But that leads me to my point. What do I want to learn?

Heading into the GRUE, I had some rope questions I wanted answered. How to tie thin hair? How to tie a Solomon bar cuff? How in the world all these random knots I learned can actually be used in bondage, as opposed to rock climbing/sailing? So, that’s a place to start. One of the hair tie suggestions at the GRUE was hemostats in the hair, and then tie to those. Others I’ve seen are tie into buns, or behind ponytail wraps. The Solomon bar has lots of good examples online, I just need to practice. And get the correct length ropes to do the cuffs with (11′ and 6′ I think). The knots? Well, that’s something to research.

But what else? What haven’t I tried that I want to? What scares me? What intrigues me? What do I not understand? What have we had a class on that I still want to do? What haven’t we had a class on yet? There is so much out there, I know there will always be more to learn. (And I have just learned that Fetlife fetish lists are a little annoying to edit if it’s not on the bulk list.) So, research project number two for this weekend: a curious about fetish list, with any necessary research on the hows and whats, with notations on the type of interest: scary, intriguing, confused, or aroused.

Brain just ran off in an odd direction. If you’re a regular reader, you know that an interrogation scene is one of those someday dreams I have. But I was just thinking about Strangeland, and the thought occurred to me: What’s worse than an interrogation scene – a torture scene. It’s like an interrogation, but there is no way to end it. They aren’t after anything, there’s nothing you can give them to make them stop. You can’t give the right answer, or tell them the secret, they are just doing it because they enjoy it. They might have some end in mind, or a set of things they want to do, but you never know. And none of it is being done for your enjoyment, only theirs. That’s the biggest kicker, I think.

Anyway. So, learning and trying new things. I think that would be a good way to spend my weekend, finding out about all there is yet to learn and try and do. And maybe also make a list of all the things I already enjoy and why. I like lists, but I like writing even more.

May 21, 2012

My Passion

Filed under: Reflection — pervertedimp @ 8:39 am
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Today, I want you to do whatever is your passion. That was the start of the GRUE this weekend. People were invited to put their passion, in the form of a class title up on the wall, and to lead classes all day to teach/discuss their passions. I’d had a few ideas to put up on the wall until that was said, then I had nothing. Instead, I went and put up his passion instead, he wanted to fly people, and to teach his favorite tie. So, that’s what we did.

He taught the drum tie, with me assisting. It was a big class, so I went around and helped those who were having trouble. I pointed out where they had gone the wrong way, or I showed them what to do next when they got lost. I helped with the tricky knots. It was great, and he often praised or thanked me for it. Once folk were tied, I helped guide their heads off the ground and back down again. In between, I got to watch them Fly.

Oh, did they fly! So many new faces, so many first times. Such joy and amazement. And him, bouncing and running and grinning so wide. The onlookers staring and laughing, all of us enjoying the moment and the energy. And when they came down, and I cradled their heads in my lap. They were still glowing so brightly. It was incredible.

And he didn’t stop. He helped put up everyone from the class that wanted to go up. And then he kept going. People kept coming and asking to go up. He had quite the queue. We didn’t even get halfway through it. All day he kept going. And people came by to learn, as well. He taught the tie at least three more times throughout the day.

I was so full of energy, I couldn’t stay still. Often, when he was tying, I would wander off. I wandered off to a bootblack class for a bit. Talking with one of the bootblacks that I learned with, and discussing technique and products with the others that showed up. I cut out halfway through to see if he needed help when I saw him lowering someone, but her boy was catching her. He did have me run out for his gloves then. I went back to bootblacking after that for more discussion. I learned a lot about high polish boots, that being the side I don’t work with at all right now.

I wandered in and out of a lot of other demo classes. Fire, paddles, floggers, cigars, another couple suspension classes. But never for very long. I was curious, but not focused on them. I wanted to keep an eye on everything going on, but I kept coming back to him. Kept checking in. Bringing him water, making his sandwich after another friend insisted on getting us both food. Fetching things from the truck. Cleaning up the ropes between scenes. Keeping track of the queue. Basking in the energy each and every suspension created.

People kept asking if I was having fun. Some concerned that I wasn’t getting suspended. I told every single one of them yes. I was having a great time. Didn’t they See the huge grin on that girl’s face? Didn’t they see how awesome a time everyone was having? It was so great to see so many people have their first experience flying. I had an amazing day.

At the closing circle, my emotions were on a rollercoaster. I was so very near to tears then calm then up near tears again, all joy, full with the energy of that room full of people. Leaning against him, his arms around me. When he spoke up, he said how great a support I had been to him all day. Several people thanked him for his passion. I couldn’t speak, afraid I would cry and be unintelligible. We went to dinner, buzzing about the day, chattering, happy. It was a great day. I’m so glad I decided to go.

I began to wonder though, as he talked about having done his passion all day. What had I done? What was my passion? Had I fulfilled my purpose at the GRUE? Had I followed the rule? I fluttered around all day. Did that mean I didn’t have a passion?

No. No, I did indeed fulfill the purpose of the GRUE. I lived my passion. I spent the entire day serving him. Even my fluttering. To learn more about bootblacking. To keep an eye on who was using the other point. To check on everyone around and see what was happening and that everyone was happy and safe. To help him teach. To help him suspend new people. To share his joy and theirs. I spent the day fulfilling my passion of service to him. And it was wonderful.